Luciano Boraso

Auditor. Registered in the Register of Statutory Auditors at the Ministry of Economy and Finance (MEF). After earning a degree in Economics and Commerce from the University of Turin and gaining brief experience at a firm of Chartered Accountants in Biella, he began his career as an Auditor in Turin in 1985. With Baker Tilly Revisa S.p.A. since 1987, he became a partner in 1997. He has served as a member, representing ASSIREVI, of the Commission for the definition and establishment of the Standard Financial Statements and Accounting Principles for Non-Profit Organizations, within the Agency for Non-Profit Organizations and later the Third Sector Agency. He is currently a member of the ASSIREVI Commission for Third Sector Entities. He has been a lecturer at numerous training courses on financial statements and accounting principles. He has also been a speaker at national conferences on financial statements and economic, asset, and financial analysis.