Gianpiero Sperduti

Senior Associate
Milan, Baker Tilly Legal
Photo of Gianpiero Sperduti

He graduated in Law with honours and has attended the School of Specialisation at the Scuola Superiore di Studi Giuridici and the Scuola di Alta Formazione in Diritto del Lavoro Sindacale e della Previdenza Sociale 'Luca Boneschi'.

Gianpiero Sperduti has gained consolidated experience in Labor Law and in the handling of all related litigation before the Labor Sections of the Courts and the Court of Appeal and at the Labor Authorities, Associations and Chambers of Labor. His main areas of expertise: managerial, journalistic and sports labor relations; self-employment, agency and contracting contracts; individual dismissals, staff reductions and transfers of business units; termination of top manager relationships; anti-discrimination regulations; auditing, Due Diligence and M&A transactions with regard to Labor Law.

On September 15th, 2023, he was called by the CNF (National Bar Council) to the Bar of Specialist Labour Lawyers (established pursuant Decree 144/2015, as amended by Decree 163/2020), which ensure his extensive expertise and specific skills in employment and social security Law.

Languages: Italian and English.