Francesca Belcastro

Savona, Baker Tilly CTL

Francesca Belcastro mainly deals with accounting and tax consultancy supporting companies and corporate groups. Over the years, she has gained extensive experience in the commercial law, carrying out consultancy and assistance activities in the field of company crises. She currently holds various positions as Curator at the Court of Savona as well as Sales Delegate and Judicial Guardian.

She previously worked at the ABR Argento Bollini Ravera & Partners studio in Milan. Since 2021, she has also held the position of Member of the Board of Directors of the company Baker Tilly 3B S.r.l. (tax and corporate consultancy firm).

Graduated in Administration, Finance and Control in 2015 at the University of Genoa, she has been registered with the Order of Chartered Accountants of Savona since 2017.

Languages: Italian and English.