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Here to support your business
How can we help?

Baker Tilly Revisa offers a wide range of smart business solutions to solve even the most complex issues. We work alongside our clients to assist them with legal audits, internal audits, accounting due diligence for business acquisitions, business entities, internal control systems reliability testing, and much more.

You can rely on us to provide the expertise needed to meet the changing needs of your business, manage risk, navigate regulatory complexity, plan for the future, and provide transparency and efficiency in reporting. Our professionals are dedicated to integrity, innovation and delivering the highest quality services to help your business grow and succeed.

Founded in 1974, Baker Tilly Revisa S.p.A. is an audit firm and accounting organization that, since its establishment in 1980, has been registered in the Special Register of Independent Auditors established by Consob for statutory audits pursuant to Legislative Decree No. 58 of February 24, 1998. Baker Tilly Revisa is registered in the Register of Auditors established by Legislative Decree No. 27 of January 1992 and is a member of Assirevi, the largest association of Italian auditing firms.


Baker Tilly Revisa offers a comprehensive suite of high-quality services, including:

  • Statutory audit of financial statements and consolidated financial statements;
  • Voluntary budget review;
  • Support in the implementation of international accounting standards;
  • Assistance in the preparation of national and international consolidated financial statements;
  • Preparation of reports as an expert witness, as required by current legislation;
  • Internal audit activities;
  • Review of specific internal corporate procedures;
  • Accounting due diligence in the acquisition of companies, entities or business branches;
  • Reliability review of the internal control system;
  • Analysis, design and implementation of accounting procedures;
  • Review of procedures regarding administrative responsibility pursuant to Legislative Decree 231/2001;
  • Compilation of the social report.


Our highly specialized professionals provide comprehensive and customized solutions for a wide range of clients in various sectors where we have in-depth knowledge, supported by our international network.


  • Automotive
  • Chemical
  • Oil & Gas
  • Mechanical & Manufacturing
  • Iron & Steel
  • Food
  • Textile
  • Clothing
  • Pharmaceutical
  • Construction

We boast the largest number of customers and unparalleled knowledge in the field of Construction, Building Funds and Territorial Joint Committees.

A team of specialists coordinated by one of our partners, Luciano Boraso, operates on the entire national territory, specialising in issues pertaining to Joint Construction Entities. 

Service Industries

  • IT and Telecommunications
  • Banking and Finance
  • Technology
  • Naval
  • Insurance
  • Local public services
  • Cinematography
  • Publishing
  • Engineering
  • Commercial services

Baker Tilly Revisa S.p.A. – Management of Reports (Whistleblowing)


Baker Tilly Revisa S.p.A. is committed to promoting integrity and transparency in all its operations.

To facilitate the submission and management of reports, Baker Tilly Revisa S.p.A. has implemented a dedicated online platform, which serves as the preferred channel for submitting reports.

This process complies with the new regulations introduced by Legislative Decree No. 24 of March 10, 2023, implementing Directive (EU) 2019/1937 of the European Parliament and the Council of October 23, 2019, concerning the protection of individuals reporting violations of Union law, as well as national regulatory provisions (commonly known as the “Whistleblowing Decree”).

You can submit your reports securely and anonymously, and we guarantee that your information will remain protected with appropriate security standards.

For further details or to submit a report, visit our platform: https://bakertillyrevisa.segnalazioni.eu/#

Who Can Report

All employees, self-employed workers, collaborators, and interns working at Baker Tilly Revisa S.p.A. are eligible to submit a report.

What to Report

Reports should include information regarding violations involving actions (of any nature, including omissions) related to individuals at Baker Tilly Revisa S.p.A., which may concern:

  • Violations of internal company procedures and/or any actions likely to cause harm or damage, including reputational or image-related damage to Baker Tilly Revisa S.p.A.;
  • Administrative, accounting, civil, or criminal offenses;
  • Violations falling within the scope of European Union regulations and the corresponding national provisions implementing them;
  • Acts or omissions that harm the financial interests of the European Union;
  • Acts or omissions related to the internal market (e.g., breaches of competition law or state aid regulations);
  • Acts or behaviors that undermine the purpose or objectives of European Union regulations.

Reports must relate to facts of which the whistleblower has direct knowledge and must be based on reasonable grounds to believe that the information provided is true at the time of reporting.

Reports should be submitted promptly after gaining knowledge of the facts to ensure a thorough verification process.

The following do not qualify as whistleblowing reports:

  • Complaints, claims, or requests related to a whistleblower’s personal interests concerning only their individual employment relationship or their interactions with superiors;
  • Communications or complaints regarding commercial activities or public service matters.
Bruno Piazza
Managing Partner
Photo of Davide Trinchero
Davide Trinchero
Managing Partner
Photo of Nicola Fiore
Nicola Fiore
Photo of Lucia Caciagli
Lucia Caciagli
Photo of Luciano Boraso
Luciano Boraso
Photo of Domenico Fuda
Domenico Fuda
Photo of Patrick Meran
Patrick Meran
Photo of Vanessa Sist
Vanessa Sist
Photo of Carlo Brunetta
Carlo Brunetta
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